Simple Bash-Based Code Performance Measuring Tool

Mar 10, 2022

Simple code performance measuring tool which includes relative time of any two python or compiled binaries fed into it.

Project Summary:

A lengthy how-to guide on writing a shell script that measures code execution time.

Codeperform Project

The purpose of this project is to build a simple code performance measuring tool which includes an output that captures the relative time of execution of two different programs, ideally of similar output and purpose, to understand on a minute scale which execution path is faster.

The idea here is to create a benchmark which helps determine what type of program runs faster on a particular machine. Part of the impetus for this project is just basic computer language benchmarks, such as the Computer Language Benchmarks Game.

Often times in benchmarking we may think of in terms of performance benchmarks which roughly compare two different languages across multiple different benchmark algorithms, such as fannkuck-redux, and may compare two or more different languages against each other, such as C++ and Rust.

Well, what if you wanted just a quick tool to compare two little quick programs that you built yourself?

Existing Tools

Of course it’s always temping to think that one is the first one to have thought of an idea, but that is almost never the case.

Built-in Timer Tools

Most languages likely have built-in timing functions. If you look at the built in time module in Python, then you’ll notice several functions that can measure time:

  • monotonic()
  • perf_counter()
  • process_time()
  • time()

These types of programs can measure time within the interpretive language itself, but what about just a simple shell script which can measure the relative time of any program, regardless of the language it was written in?

Rough Outline

  • The command line tool, “strace” can be used to monitor application performance throughout the execution of a program.

The pseudocode version of what we wish to build would be the following:

# start program

# input files should have been inputs to the shell program

# run the first program using strace

# A do an awk or sed on the output on the first line to grab the timestamp

# B do an awk or sed on the output on the first line to grab the timestamp

# subtract the last_timestamp from the first_timestamp

# run the second porgram using strace

# repeat A and B above on the second program

# output metrics between the two programs

Working through the Bash Script

Creating the File, Initiating with #! Shebang Operator

  • We can implement the above as a bash script by creating a file, “,” and adding the shebang “#!/bin/bash/” operator at the very start of the file to indicate that this script is going to run as bash (as opposed to zshell or /bin/sh).

Of course, this is easier said than done, as an absolute path is needed specifying from the root directory of a linux or unix based system, meaning that we can’t just put, “#!/bin/bash” we have to put either:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

…which has the benefit of looking for whatever the default version of the program is running in your current environment, whereas:


would be useful if it was a one-line command in which more than one argument needed to be passed in at the onset, with a command such as:

/user/bin/env awk -f

So basically, the form, “#!/usr/bin/env bash” is more portable, but has limitations in terms of what executables are called.

Adding Arguments to the Bash Script

Bash uses a tool called, “positional parameters,” to provide a means of etnering data into a Bash program when it is run from the command line. There are ten possible positional parameters that run from $0 to $9.

After entering in a simple positional parameter, “echo $0” (and making the script executable by applying chmod +x, we run the script with no parameters to start off with:

$ ./ 1

Basically, the $0 position is reserved for the predefined name of the running script and can’t be used for anything else. So instead starting with $1 as the positional parameter, and using two parameters to start off with:

$ ./ -h -f

As you can see, the flag -h just repeats and the second parameter, -f does nothing because we only have one parameter input at this point. If the code instead used two parameters and we inserted those paremters, we would get the actual output of both parameters as shown below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $1
echo $2

and then:

$ ./ -h -f

Creating a Help Function

It’s a best practice to always include a help function within a shell script. Something to note about running functions on bash is that functions can be essentially inserted into memory as a variable enclosed within the {} brackets just like a variable. Whereas a variable declaration may be something along the lines of:


Which would store the EXAMPLE_VARIABLE, equaling 2 into memory for super fast access, the same can be done with a function itself using:

help(){ echo "This is the unhelpful help file. Goodbye."; }

Just as you could use, “printenv” to print all variables in an environment, you can do the same for functions with, “compgen -A function” and of course filter out the result with grep:

compgen -A function | grep help

Running the -help file itself would be just a matter adding the help function into the script, and then calling in the, “main” part of the script.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -------------------- help --------------------
help(){ echo "This is the unhelpful help file. Goodbye.";}

# -------------------- main --------------------

This will of course run the help file as a default rather than as an option flag.

Turning Help into a Flag Rather than a Default

The help flag, as well as other flags, is accomplished with a while loop including different cases within the main part of the program.

# -------------------- main --------------------

while getopts ":h" option; do
   case $option in
      h) # display Help
      *) # invalid cases
         echo 'Invalid option. Find options with flag: -h'

By including -h as a flag within the function, this access the help function, which prints out that help file we created above.

Running strace on One Program

We have created a simple c program called, “hello.c” which essentially does the following:

#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  return 0;

We compile this into an executable called, “whatever” using the command, “gcc hello.c” and then we can run the outputted file (after changing its name) with


Basically all the program does is say, “hi.”

So now if we want to run strace on this, a linux box is required. Attempting to use this on MacOS fails, as attempting to isntall with brew results in:

strace: Linux is required for this software.
linux-headers@4.4: Linux is required for this software.
Error: strace: Unsatisfied requirements failed this build

So, we can simply set up a lightweight ubuntu docker distro and mount the shell script we are writing here as a volume (or rather, as a bind mount on our local machine so that as we change the code, we can keep re-running it, but it also saves locally in our github repo).

A perhaps more easily recognizable name for this type of setup is a, “dev mode container.”

In order to set up a dev mode container, we first have to establish a folder structure under which we can hold a Dockerfile and our application files, so that we can point to the source code to copy into the Image which will be the basis for the container. Secondly we set up a run command which bind mounts the appropriate folder which contains our code so that we can access and edit it within the running container.

So first off, our folder structure will look like the following:

│   Dockerfile

Basically, “/app” is where we we keep everything that needs to be, “bind mounted,” meaning, we can change the files on our disk and it will reflect on the container, and vice-versa.

The Dockerfile itself, in order to copy the file from the local machine into the Docker Image during the build process, must include a, “COPY” clause, as follows:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM ubuntu:latest

# copy the local app file into the image
COPY app /usr/destination

So, “app” is the source file, whereas “/usr/destination” is the destination file. Of course without opening a container directory structure first, it’s impossible to know what the best place to put these files might be on the destination Docker Image, so a good practice would be to simply build and run the image with an, “exec” funtion to essentially log in, or rather, exec in to the container to explore and find the right place first. From within the same directory as the Dockerfile:

docker build -t codeperform_ubuntu_image:latest .
docker run  -t -d --name codeperform_ubuntu_container codeperform_ubuntu_image
docker exec -t -i codeperform_ubuntu_container /bin/bash

From here we see that the directory structure is:

bin  boot  dev  etc ~  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

…and ~” seems like a good place, so we can copy our files to, ~/app” by modifying the Dockerfile:

# copy files from local directory
COPY app ~/app

After deleting the running Docker Container, running through the above commands again puts the files we need in, ~/app”.

The Dockerfile defines how an image is built, not how it’s used, so you can’t specify the bind mount in a Dockerfile. We could create a declarative specification for including the Dockerfile in question, and including a bind mount or volume, allowing us to simply run, “docker-compose up -d” rather than a complex Docker command line, by including a docker-compose.yml file with the following:

version: '3.1'

    image: codeperform_ubuntu_image:latest
    build: .
      - type: bind
        source: ./app
        target: ~/app

We can run the above by navigating into the folder where this docker-compose.yml file sits and then running, “docker-compose up -d” - which follows the commands shown above and then runs the container, mounting the volume with at the specified directory noted as a canonical path ending with the ./app folder (with the ./ included to indicate a relative path), and connecting that to ~/app on the container.

Of course, when we run, “docker-compose up -d” or “docker-compose up” the container exits after the process has completed.

If we look at the verbose version of this command, we get some feedback:

docker-compose --verbose up


 'Config': {'AttachStderr': False,
            'AttachStdin': False,
            'AttachStdout': False,
            'Cmd': ['bin/bash'],
            'Domainname': '',
            'Entrypoint': None,


Basically, there was a ‘Cmd’ being issued to use bin/bash, but no terminal, so trying to use bash without a terminal makes the container exit immediately. When bash starts up with no terminal attached, it has no script or command to by design, it exits.

In order to attach the terminal, we use tty: true. We can also add, “command: ‘bin/bash’” for good measure to be explicit to our docker-compose.yml:

    tty: true
    command: 'bin/bash'

After this was fixed successfully, we can run the following to get everything up and going:

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -t -i codeperform_ubuntu_container /bin/bash

This will compose the entire image, build it if not already built, and then exec into the container with bash.

Side note, we could have added a command or entrypoint to the Dockerfile itself rather than the compose file. These commands would basically tell the image by default to run an entrypoint or to bash any time the image runs. If we make any changes to the Dockerfile, we may need to re-build the image with, “docker-compose up –build” e.g., using the –build option.

Ensuring that Changes in the Container Reflect in the Code on Local

So the reason we have set up this fancy Dev Mode Container is to be able to make changes within our Container and have them save on our local so that we can push to Github, essentially to be able to save our work.

So to run a simple test, we can do the following from within the container:

~/app# echo 'hello worlds' >> hellotest.txt

Which we can see saves a file on our local. Removing this file also removes it on local.

Checking the Shell Script with strace

So now we have a working Ubuntu container, so we should be able to install strace. Once we have figured out how to install it manually within the container, we can go back and re-compose the container with “docker-compose build up -d”.

So we can start out by running:

# apt-get update


# apt-get install strace


# strace -V
strace -- version 5.5
Copyright (c) 1991-2020 The strace developers <>.

When we opt to add this into our Dockerfile, we can opt in if we so choose to explicitly install strace 5.5 for compatibility purposes.

Testing out Strace on Code

So having installed strace, we can install our, “whatever” pre-compiled C code on our new Ubuntu container.

strace -ttT ./whatever
19:26:11.555004 execve("./whatever", ["./whatever"], 0x7ffc856beb38 /* 9 vars */) = -1 ENOEXEC (Exec format error) <0.004814>
strace: exec: Exec format error
19:26:11.563988 +++ exited with 1 +++

However when we try to do this, we get the above error. This is because originally the file was compiled on a Mac with OSX rather than on a linux system, without a cross-compiler. There is a way to compile code such that it works across systems with the, “binutils” library and gcc and a string of commands. However since we have the Ubuntu container up and running, we can simply re-compile on Ubuntu with Gnu Compiler Collection.

apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential
gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)

We can now overwrite our, “whatever” file by using gcc and hello.c:

gcc hello.c -o whatever

Now having compiled the file properly according to Ubuntu’s binary requirements, we can run, “./whatever” which just prints out, “hi!” - so we can then use strace:

strace -ttT ./whatever
19:34:22.804636 execve("./whatever", ["./whatever"], 0x7ffe65523658 /* 9 vars */) = 0 <0.001316>

Which does print out a timestamped output, one line of which is shown above.

Using Strace and Awk to Output

Looking at, “strace -h” we can see that we also have the option of printing out just statistics with the -c flag:

strace -c ./whatever
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 28.72    0.000407         407         1           execve
 20.54    0.000291          41         7           mmap
 12.00    0.000170          85         2         1 arch_prctl
  8.33    0.000118          19         6           pread64
  7.76    0.000110          36         3           brk
  6.49    0.000092          46         2           openat
  6.07    0.000086          43         2           close
  2.96    0.000042          42         1           munmap
  2.61    0.000037          12         3           mprotect
  1.69    0.000024           8         3           fstat
  1.13    0.000016          16         1         1 access
  0.99    0.000014          14         1           write
  0.71    0.000010          10         1           read
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.001417                    33         2 total

Note that the total calculated seconds is shown at the bottom of, “seconds,” with 0.001417 seconds to be precise, which may be a much easier piece of data to grab than actually subtracting and calculating the time to execute. Sure enough, with the right command we can directly extract that value onto the stdout:

strace -c ./whatever 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk 'END{print $2}'

Note that the timed value, 0.001196 is different than 0.001417. Through the process of building the above command, it was obvious that each time strace was run, the timed value for the command was different. Reading further into what strace really does, it turns out that strace actually actively slows down the running of a program while it executes the program, by up to 10 times! Essentially every time that strace runs a step in the application, it exits back into its own shell to do some calculations, then it jumps back in and runs the next step of the application again.

Ultimately, it makes sense that the time measurements are different every time, as the computational load on a CPU may differ depending what else a machine may be doing at any given time. However, how reliable or useful strace may be as just a, “bulk measurement,” of a program may be questionable.

Using the GNU time Command

The GNU Time Command

runs the specified program command with the given arguments. When command finishes, time writes a message to standard error giving timing statistics about this program run.


Note that:

Note: some shells (e.g., bash(1)) have a built-in time command that provides similar information on the usage of time and possibly other resources. To access the real command, you may need to specify its pathname (something like /usr/bin/time).

Looking at our /usr/bin, we find:

:/usr/bin# ls | grep time

Basically, we don’t have the, “real” time installed, so we can try to do that with:

apt-get install time


:/usr/bin# ls | grep time

Once we have this installed, we can invoke the actual, “real” time command with:

/usr/bin/time time -p ./whatever

real 0.00
user 0.00
sys 0.00

Note, this is different than if we just use, “time ./whaever” which does actually print out a different set of results:

time ./whatever

real	0m0.004s
user	0m0.002s
sys	0m0.001s

Playing around with this time function, we see that there is a help flag with –help, as well as –verbose, –quiet, which supresses non-zero exit status and –format=format which formats the output according to rules given on the help page, which specify a, “printf like way.” So to replicate the results of -p, we can format as follows:

/usr/bin/time time -f "real %E\nuser %U\nsys %S\n" ./whatever


real 0:00.00
user 0.00
sys 0.00

Looking at the precision of this output, what we see is unfortunately the maximum precision we can get with is centiseconds, whereas the bash time command can work with a bit more precision. We can find documentation for the builtin bash time function by searching under, “TIMEFORMAT” within here. Basically the only way we can adjust the time format is with “TIMEFORMAT=%3R” as a setting within bash.

We can also reset the timeformat to the original -p value with:

time ./whatever

Here with this function of, “time” the only option avaialble is -p, which shortens the precision.

So therefore, pushing this into awk:

{ time ./whatever ; } 2> result.txt

awk '{ print }' result.txt

So basically, rounding this out, we have the following command which cleanly prints out the real time in seconds:

{ time ./whatever ; } 1> /dev/null | awk '{ print }'

Putting This Back Into

So going back into our functions, we insert:

   # format time to seconds only, real time, 3 significant digits
   # run time function on
   # use $@ as a general variable input
   THETIME=$({ time "$@" ; } 1> /dev/null | awk '{ print }');

Which actually creates a shellcheck error, saying that the redirection overrides the output pipe, so we should use “tee” to prevent that. So we change the above to:

   # format time to seconds only, real time, 3 significant digits
   # run time function on
   # use $@ as a general variable input
   THETIME=$({ time "$@" ; } | tee 1> /dev/null awk '{ print }');

Which, this takes away the error, but our variable THETIME is not being reported down under the functon call below. The reason we continued to use /dev/null is to get around awk ‘{ print }’ going and printing a new line as the output of the time function. We can get around that quirk by using printf:

{ time ./whatever ; } | awk 'BEGIN{ printf "" }'

So now we don’t have to use tee to send the results to awk, and we should have a result with no new line if we put this back in our script. However, it just results in more complications of course with confusions between stdout and stderr. So instead the better route was to simply place the stderr into an environmental variable, and then run awk on that.

   # format time to seconds only, real time, 3 significant digits
   # run time function on
   # use $@ as a general variable input
   TIMETOSTDR=$({ time "$@" ; } 1> /dev/null);
   THETIME=$(awk '{ print }' "$TIMETOSTDR");


However, if we do some debugging, we see that what we expect to be happening with variable assignment is not happening at all. Basically, what we had expected was that our TIMETOSTDR was being assigned the stderr of the command, “time $@” but instead what was happening was that it was getting assigned stdout. This was found by placing some, “echo” statements within the above function and observing the outputs of variables at different points.

The real way to assign the stderr output into a variable would be the following. Side note, using /dev/null results in a faster response time than just some random variable such as, “output” - not sure why, but something computationally intensive on the order of 5 microseconds is going on.:

WAKA=$({ time ./whatever > /dev/null ; } 2>&1)
echo $WAKA

So replacing our faulty variable assignment code, we then have the following, with echo "$@" thrown in for good measure to make sure we’re indeed evaluating both input applications.

   # format time to seconds only, real time, 3 significant digits
   # run time function on
   # use $@ as a general variable input
   TIMETOSTDERR=$({ time "$@" > /dev/null ; } 2>&1)
   echo "$@"

The above runs the code flawelessly, showing the time difference for each test.

Now, if we re-do our hello10.c code so that it prints out “hello” a million times and re-compile it, testing it with our evaluator tool, we get:

# ./ './whatever' './whatever10'
APP1 execution time was 0.002 seconds.
APP2 execution time was 0.035 seconds.

Now we are talking about some serious difference between the two real execution times for this one operation, on the order of centiseconds vs. milliseconds.

Creating Mathematical Output

Bash does not support floating-point arithmetic, so we need an external tool, bc, which needs to be installed.

   # run difference on two variables
   # use $@ as a general variable input
   THEDIFFERENCE=$(echo "$1-$2" | bc)
   echo "$1"

The bc function removes the trailing zero off of the result, but interestingly, awk can do floating point arithmetic as well as customize the significant digits:

THEDIFFERENCE=$(echo "$1-$2" | bc | awk '{printf "%.3f", $0}')

So we may actually consider just awk for compatibility, but this code looks cleaner so we will keep it.

Besides difference, it would also be helpful to have a percentage difference.

Executing on Python Code

So the first thing to do is install a python3-minimal base in our container:

apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y python3-minimal

In order to operate on a python script that we create, basically on a stock, “hello world” function, we have to put python within brackets, which essentially opens up a command shell, executing the code, and then pushing the output of that to time.

time { python3; }
hello world

Translating this to our own bash script is a bit problematic, because if we pump in that command, basically the functions we wrote have no idea what to do with it:

./ { python3; }

If we enter the function name as an argument into our bash script, we can echo it back out as an output, so we know that we can actually put a string into the our script which at least is the title of the script. From there, we can hypothetically run an if function to look for the .py extension and then have a conditional that pushes the evaluation into the proper function which measures the time of execution, including those {} if necessary.

We can test out with grep rather than regex, since grep is a lot easier to use:

if echo "" | grep -q .py; then
    echo "MATCH!"


Testing an alternative case:

if echo "hello.rb" | grep -q .py; then
    echo "MATCH!";
    echo "NO MATCH!";

So hypothetically an if statement could assign a variable based upon whether a .py exists within the input filename, which using the grep operator, is pretty easy to accomplish:

   # if the input program has .py, then it's python
   if echo "$@" | grep -q .py; then

Once we have the proper application type labeled, we can then enter into the proper if statement to execute the code in the way it needs to be executed, so in the case of python:

   elif [ "$APPTYPE" == "python" ]; then
      TIMETOSTDERR=$({ time python3 "$@" > /dev/null ; } 2>&1)

Finally running the code with a compiled c application vs. our

./ './whatever10'
./whatever10 execution time was 0.037 seconds. execution time was 0.019 seconds.
the difference between (./whatever10) - ( is -0.018 seconds.

Comparing a Vectorized Operation vs. Non Vectorized Operation

Python has the ability to vectorize through numpy. That being said, python-slim does not have the capability to install numpy with pip3, so we may need to manually install a binary.

Starting out, a brief python program which calculates the dot product manually via a for loop can be created as follows:

import array

# 8 bytes size int
a = array.array('q')
for i in range(100000):

b = array.array('q')
for i in range(100000, 200000):

dot = 0.0;

for i in range(len(a)):
      dot += a[i] * b[i]

print("dot_product = "+ str(dot));

Attempting to run this through our new results in:

# ./ execution time was 0.088 seconds

88 ms is not very much! It would be great to have closer to a tenth of a second perhaps, to see if we can get some serious performance difference between two different ways of doing this operation. Upping the order of magnitude on the array sizes to 10^6 gets us in the 0.6 second range.

So that being said, we have to figure out how to install numpy and compile the binary manually. To find out which version of python we’re using, simply do python3 –version:

Python 3.8.10

Looking on the site, we see that Numpy 1.22.0 is compatible with Python 3.8. We have to remember to install pip.

pip --version
pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8)

So creating a requirements.txt, we explicitly call out numpy==1.22.0 and then compile from binary with:

apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
        build-essential \
        make \
        gcc \
    && pip install -r requirements.txt \
    && apt-get remove -y --purge make gcc build-essential \
    && apt-get autoremove -y \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

After this and testing the python shell, we are able to see that importing numpy is no problem.

Now, comparing the two methods in our new shell tool, codeperform, we get (using the 10^6 order of magnitude):

# ./ execution time was 0.444 seconds. execution time was 0.633 seconds.
the difference between ( - ( is 0.189 seconds.

Running this again, with the 10^5 order of magnitude:

./ execution time was 0.176 seconds. execution time was 0.088 seconds.
the difference between ( - ( is -0.088 seconds.

Whoa! This was not at all the performance boost that I was expecting. Python-centric articles online recommend using the embedded python, “tic/toc” function from the time library, which show that in the 10^5 order of magnitude range, the vectorization method is supposed to be 100 times faster, however in our case, it’s 2 times slower! Of course in the 10^6 range, it’s faster, but only by 1.4. Of course that performance adds up over time, but what’s interesting is that the vectorization, from a real-time, “outside of the python evnironment,” world, only seems to make sense past a certain quantity of bytes being added into a variable. It’s almost as though adding those values into an array has a fixed cost, below which it’s not really worth it to use vectorization and you might as well use a for-loop if it’s not at least a million or so values (or whatever the byte equivalent might be).

If we go back to our trusty old strace, and run the following two commands with our values at the 10^5 level:

strace python3 2> linecount.txt
strace python3 2> linecountvect.txt

We can see that the application executes 598 lines of code while the application executes 2939 lines of code!

If we change our values in the files back to the 10^6, on and, we get:

  • 674 lines executed on
  • 3039 lines executed on

Of course, running the timer again on both functions does come up with a similar ratio of timing, with the vector version being about 1.4 times faster than the for-loop version.

So basically, it’s not that the for-loop version executes way more lines of code either way, it’s just that one of those executions is a command to, “do the thing a lot of times,” whereas the overhead generally for using that numpy array is really high.

Updating the Help File

So now that we have our tool essentially built and functioning with binaries and python, it’s time to write a help file.

In short, the help file is visible with the -h flag. I wanted to make it look a bit cool and hacker-ish, so I added some separator brackets and bars.

Error Processing, Other Shell Best Practices

Unfortunately this is a very simple project, so I didn’t add any error processing or handling.

It’s kind of annoying to keep having to type out, “./” every time one has to run a program. So basically we’re going to copy this into our ~/bin folder and then ensure the path to that folder is included in our bash profile.

So first, we just want this command available to our user, so we can create a file:

mkdir ~/bin

Then we can copy our into that file, give it a new name and change the permissions with chmod.

cp ~/bin/codeperform
chmod +x ~/bin/codeperform

Next, we can add an export to put the path variable into our .bashrc profile:

echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Then, we can restart / source bash:

source ~/.bashrc

So finally we can use codeperform as simply a command:

codeperform execution time was 0.022 seconds.

We can figure out how to add this into the docker image if we so choose.

Updating the Docker File to Include Needed Functions

First, we should explicitly call out the Ubuntu version for the Docker image.

cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS \n \l

Which would correspond to:


Next, we need to install our dependencies, the first of which was bc, which was used in a mathematical operation.

The versions we used were bc 1.07.1, Python 3.8.10

RUN apt-get update                                                 \
    # install shell tools, bc, python
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends                     \
        bc=1.07.*                                                  \
        python3-minimal=3.8.10                                     \
        python3-pip=20.0.2                                         \
    apt-get clean                                               && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# install python requirements.txt via binary
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
        build-essential \
        make \
        gcc \
    && pip install -r requirements.txt \
    && apt-get remove -y --purge make gcc build-essential \
    && apt-get autoremove -y \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

After adding the above to the Dockerfile, and deleting the old image and container, we can run Docker-compose again to build this image and get it up and running.

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -t -i codeperform_ubuntu_container /bin/bash

The first problem we have with the above method is, executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apt-get update which is because the Docker runtime which is running the installation is running /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash.

Once we have a, RUN /bin/bash statement included in the Dockerfile, this error is cleared, but then we have a problem with our apt-update transition to apt-install, which can be fixed by adding && \, with the “&&” term being used to mean, “execute the next command only if the preceding command exited without errors. This is of course different than ending a line with “;” which means, “just do the next lineno matter what,” and “   ” means, exit if the previous command failed (so it’s kind of like a fixit). So, we’re sing dependencies, so each line is dependant upon the last one executing properly.
RUN apt-get update && \

The other thing we’re trying to do with this Dockerfile, is to be as explicit we can be with the versions of packages that we’re installing. Of course, this leads to issues if the version numbers are not exactly correct, as with:

  • #12 4.920 E: Version ‘3.8.10’ for ‘python3-minimal’ was not found
  • #12 4.920 E: Version ‘20.0.2’ for ‘python3-pip’ was not found

  • Searching online through the Ubuntu packages repo at for Ubuntu 20.04, even though the python version is 3.8.10, the actual python3-minimal version is, “3.8.2-0ubuntu2”.
  • As far as python-pip goes, it appears there is not a dedicated python-pip for Ubuntu 20.04, but there is one for Ubuntu 18.04, “9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.5” - so we can try that, although there is a, python-pip-whl with version, “20.0.2-5ubuntu1.5” as well.
  • Looking a bit closer, even though the, “pip” command is used in our Dockerfile, the actual package we’re trying to install is “python3-pip=20.0.2-5ubuntu1.5” which is compatible with Ubuntu 20.04. Ideally, the alias, “pip” will work and the bash shell within Docker will not be required to use, “pip3.”

When we use this package, python3-pip, then we get the error that we’re missing the “whl” version, so likely it’s required for installing python3-pip, as a whl (zip) type package:

  • #12 4.915 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  • #12 5.003 python3-pip : Depends: python-pip-whl (= 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.5) but 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.6 is to be installed

Basically, it’s not clear which version of python3-pip is used, and what kinds of dependency errors are created when attempting to install, so instead of listing out the exact version, we do:

python3-pip=20.0.*                                      && \

Which basically installs whatever the latest python3-pip verson of 20.0 is, minimizing the chance of erros while being as explicit as possible. This could cause problems later, but not as likely as just doing, “python3-pip” with no version.

Finally, we get an error that Docker can’t access the requirements file.

ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt'

To fix this, we simply have to move into the proper working directory within the Dockerfile in order to able to access that requirements.txt file.

# move into the proper working directory
WORKDIR /home/app

Finally, it installs. However when attempting to run the container, we get another error:

OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "bin/sh": stat bin/sh: no such file or directory: unknown

For some reason, the docker-compose command command: 'bin/bash' won’t allow us to immediately bash into the container. However, if we do the following command after the container is built, it works. This evidently could be in part because we do: RUN /bin/bash in the Dockerfile whereas previously we did not.

docker exec -t -i codeperform_ubuntu_container /bin/bash

So, upon logging in, we can test to see if our various tools work:

$ docker exec -t -i codeperform_ubuntu_container /bin/bash
python3 --version
Python 3.8.10
bc --version
bc 1.07.1
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
pip --version
pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8)
Python 3.8.10 (default, Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy

Basically, everything we expected is working. Since docker works on layers, it’s good to have the Dockerfile design such that all of these, “heavier weight” things, basically installing dependencies, happen in a, “lower layer,” meaning higher up on the Dockerfile, because they don’t have to run again and again, we just have to do quick fixes on the last bit of code at the end. The only thing that’s not as certain is that, since we are copying files from the local, /app/ folder and mounting them, would it be appropriate to move the COPY command lower, if for example, we add additional dependencies to the requirements.txt file? Likely it would be best to add this command at least below the previous

The only thing that’s not working is of course, our alias for our custom command. This requires running the above commands that we had earlier established to install, “codeperform” into ~/bin, as well as the bash profile, and then make it executable. So we add that:

RUN mkdir ~/bin                                                 && \
    cp ~/bin/codeperform                         && \
    chmod +x ~/bin/codeperform                                  && \
    echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc                && \
    source ~/.bashrc

So what we found is that, we weren’t really using bash the whole time at all, we were using /bin/sh, which is why “source” didn’t work but using “. ~/.bashrc” did work. Source is not included in /bin/sh. Basically the command at the top of the Dockerfile, “RUN /bin/bash” wasn’t really running bash for the whole Dockerfile, it was just doing it for that one command. Instead, to switch actual shells, we have to use:

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-euo", "pipefail", "-c"]

However, this causes a bunch of errors dealing with environment variables, since now we’re in bash rather than bin/sh. So instead of adding the above, we just removed, “RUN /bin/bash” and changed, “source” to “.”.

So after that, everything works as expected!


  • One thing to note is that, if a changes is made to, it does not automatically change the, “codeperform” tool, this is only done at initialization or setup of the image.
  • Also, since in order to change the setup image requires a change in the Dockerfile, even if you change the file, it may not change the base image, because the Dockerfile wasn’t changed.

Ideas for Future Improvement

  • For c code, rather than requiring binaries, have the tool compile the whatever.c file and then run the binary.
  • Include functionality for rust, go and other relevant languages.
  • Compare the execution time on a 10^5 and 10^6 dot product within c code vs. python.

